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Wicked Problem Project

Wicked Problem Project

During my technology certificate coursework classes I gained a deep understanding of TPACK (incorporating technology with content and pedagogy.) I was challenged to examine one problem within education. Then, I was asked to create a solution based plan based off the theories of TPACK. I chose to examine reading. I designed a plan in which technology was carefully used to meet the goal of improving literacy in my classroom. 

Technology Showcase

WebQuest Inquiry Project 

During my technology certificate coursework I designed and created a content based Webquest.  This WebQuest showcased a local place (Michigan State University Abrams Planetarium) in order to create a virtual field trip for learners. My showcase is designed to be inquiry based and interactive. Students explore modules based on the solar system. The modules are enhanced with multimedia from the MSU Planetarium. Students are challenged to engage with the WebQuest through blogging. 

Understanding Understanding Project 

A key aspect to backwards design is understanding your students' background knowledge. As a part of my year two courses with the MAET program, I worked on a project called the Understanding Understanding Project with two of my classmates. This project was completed while studying abroad in Dublin, Ireland. We interviewed colleagues and Irish citizens on their knowledge of the Irish holiday St. Patrick's Day. We aimed to explore misconceptions around the holiday and understand our subjects' deeper understandings. To learn more about this project check out the website we created.

Educational Technology Conference 

I had the privilege of completing graduate coursework in Dublin, Ireland with Michigan State University's Master of Arts in Educational Technology program. While studying in Dublin I had the opportunity to plan and host an educational technology conference with my classmates. The name of our conference was #GREAT12, which stands for Global Resources in Educational Technology. I had two roles for the #GREAT12 conference. As part of the Public Relations team I designed a conference theme and designed the conference logo. My other role entailed running a workshop session on digital storytelling during the conference.

The following are examples of technology integrated projects completed with MAET

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