Changes In Technology
By: Angela Marocco
When I first began my journey in the Masters of Arts in Educational Technology program I aimed to achieve many goals as a student and teacher. I set aspirations that would allow me to transform into a teacher that had the knowledge and resources to guide my students in 21st century learning. In March of 2011, I wrote a goal statement that outlined these goals and aspirations. Looking back at this goal statement, I am confident that I have evolved as a teacher while achieving my career related goals.
A primary goal in my statement was that by the end of MAET I would be able to “masterfully incorporate technology into my everyday teaching.” I still value this goal and continue to work it on a daily basis. However, I feel closer to achieving this goal due to my coursework studies and projects. My classes with MAET allowed me to gain a solid understanding of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). My coursework challenged me to embrace the theory of TPACK by creating multiple projects to use in a classroom setting that encompassed technology alongside pedagogy and content. One example of this was a project called the Wicked Problem Project. This project allowed me to study the educational problem of reading proficiency and propose a solution that would address all three areas of technology, pedagogy, and content. I designed a plan that incorporated both audio books and online blogging. Both these technology tools supported the content I was teaching and my pedagogical approaches.
Another goal I set for myself was to “use technology as a professional networking tool.” Although I still continue to work on this goal, my interpretation of networking has expanded and changed over time. Originally, I viewed technology networking as making connections and sharing ideas solely in an online environment. After completing my second year of MAET classes overseas in Dublin, Ireland my idea of networking evolved. As part of my technology leadership studies, I participated in hosting a technology conference with my classmates. Organizing, planning and implementing this conference was a challenge that taught me understand what it meant to be a professional technology leader. I was able to network with my peers and local Irish educators not only using technology, but also in person when planning for the conference and presenting at the conference. This experience, along with other projects in MAET, has changed my understanding of what professional networking is.
As I look back on my original aspirations, I feel confident that I have had a wealth of experiences that have enabled me to achieve my goals. While working on these goals, I also gained a deeper understanding of what it means to be an educational technology leader. The knowledge and experience I have gained with MAET has allowed me to adapt my original goals and set new goals for my future.